Happy Halloween!
Kevin, Elizabeth,Isabella and Mary Katelyn Miller are above all a Kingdom devoted family. Our family exists to glorify the Lord and advance His kingdom. We are very blessed with amazing family and friends to support us in our life.
These girls look so much alike! This is Mary Kate in Bella's Halloween outfit and the next pic is one of my all time FAVES! of Isabella, Hayley and Ava on our first trip to the pumpkin patch. Can you believe how much they look alike??? Mary Kate would not wake up for the pic but you can still get the idea.
Jenn took some great pics of Bella and our family yesterday as we get ready for the arrival of Mary Kate. Now, I am well aware of my hugeness, but I LOVE that it is my sweet baby girl Mary Kate that is all grown! And I am actually within my target weight (not so much like with Bella). Please know that the angles shot were purposely to show "big Belly" and that yes, I did choose to wear polka dots, a cardinal nono rule if you are trying to look slimmed down. But there are some great shots of our family and Bella for her 3 yr old pics. Hope you enjoy! I am about to pop...really : ) Went to the Dr today and she said I am well on my way and could be anytime from this point on! I schedule my induction date next Tues, so I will let you all know when that is!!! It is quickly approaching!!!! For pics go to...
My sweet Isabella has been cracking me up today and I thought I would share. This morning on the way to school, we called Mimi (my mom) like always to say hi. Well, I have always wondered what kids think about talking on the phone and Bella let me know what she thinks...she held the phone close to her shouting "Mimi, are you in there?" "Mimi,are you in those buttons?" She was very concerned about her miniture mimi that was stuck inside of my cell phone behind the buttons. We tried to explain that Mimi was in TN not inside of the phone but an almost 3 yr old does not quite get that : )